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You're viewing 3D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe Cheat Codes

Game Name : 3D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-11-06 15:38:30
Views : 18442

Cheat mode:
The v1.1 patch is required for cheats to be enabled. Press [Shift] + \ during game play. Most codes must be enabled during an active job. Note: Jobs completed with a cheat enabled will be flagged with a check mark and cannot earn a blue ribbon.

Result - Code:

User controls all cars -gimme
Repair all track problems in entire layout - fixall
Trigger special job cheat1 - jobboss
Assign any load to selected car - load
Train runs without refueling - nofuel
Unlock jobs in job bin - brian
Turn off speed limits until the end of job - kelle
Refuel selected car - neal
Unload selected car - paul
300 second time bonus -chris
30 second time bonus - andrew
Mark current job completed - lionel
Repair zapped tracks and broken switches near selected car - jcarey
Give all trains speed increase -moveit
Remove one-way tracks near the selected car - cominthru
Load selected car with corresponding number - (number)(letter or number)

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3D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
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3D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe Cheat Codes at Game Score

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